

Learn what meteorites are, how they form, and what types of meteorites exist. Find out how meteorites help us understand the solar system's origin and history.

Learn the difference between meteoroids, meteors, and meteorites, and how they relate to the flashes of light called shooting stars. Explore facts, multimedia, and stories about meteors and meteorites from NASA's Solar System Exploration.

Learn about the types, origins and history of meteorites, the pieces of comets or asteroids that survive to hit the Earth's surface. Find out how scientists study these space rocks and what they reveal about the solar system.

Learn about meteorites, natural objects from interplanetary space that survive their passage through Earth's atmosphere and land on the surface. Find out how they are classified, identified, and studied, and what they reveal about the early solar system.

Learn the difference between meteoroids, meteors and meteorites, and how they relate to our solar system and Earth. Find out the names, locations and dates of major meteor showers, and how to identify meteorites in deserts or icy regions.

Meteorite falls have been recorded throughout human history, yielding wonder, confusion - and knowledge. Here are just a few recovered space rocks that have proven historically or scientifically ...

The world's longest meteorite field has been traced to its source: an asteroid that hit Earth's atmosphere at an angle and bounced along, like a stone skipped across a lake, before ...

A meteorite is a rock that falls to Earth from space, usually from an asteroid, a planet, a moon or a comet. Meteorites are ancient samples of other worlds and help us understand the history and evolution of our solar system. Learn more about the origins, types and uses of meteorites at the AMNH Hall of Meteorites.

Meteorites are cosmic time capsules that reveal stories from the birth of the Solar System and beyond. This book by Tim Gregory, a chemist and geoscientist, weaves a colourful tapestry of historical and scientific stories with an eye toward the latest developments in meteoritics and cosmochemistry.

Learn about meteorites, the unusual and rare rocks of extraterrestrial origin, and the Museum's collection of over 200 meteorites from the asteroid belt, the Moon and Mars. See examples of iron, stony and stony-iron meteorites, and the Krasnojarsk and Nakhla meteorites, the first and first Martian meteorites discovered.

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